Annual Pathways Meeting
Read about the Annual Pathways Meeting
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Annual Pathways Meeting
What is the purpose of this event?
The Annual Pathways Meeting focuses on connecting stakeholder networks within Alberta and across Canada to enhance student mobility and learner pathways. Key outcomes include:
- Sharing data, research, and information within the system
- Discussing common issues, problem-solving, and guiding direction of student/stakeholder support systems
- Bringing together a community of individuals in Alberta and across jurisdictions dedicated to enhancing student mobility and learner pathways.
Who should attend this event?
Stakeholders involved in the Annual Pathways Meeting may include:
- Articulation Committee Chairs and members
- Strategic and Operational Contact Persons
- Registrars/Registrars' Office and Instructional Research staff
- Students/Student Leaders (e.g., ASEC/CAUS)
- Senior Administrators/Administrators with interest in student pathways data, research, and initiatives.
- Councils on Admissions/Articulation and Transfer and like bodies in Canada (CATs)
- Government and other pathways and mobility-related organizations.
The program is being planned with topics under consideration. If you have suggestions or questions, please email
What system information is helpful?
- Transfer Alberta Search Tool & Transfer System FAQs
- Transfer Credit Awarded (TCA)
- Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs Strategy
- Skills for Jobs Task Force Report
- Pan-Canadian Consortium on Admissions and Transfer
2024 Annual Pathways Meeting (Virtual) - It's Back!
We are pleased to invite all our key transfer and pathways system stakeholders and partners to participate in our 2024 Alberta Annual Pathways Meeting!
Date: November 20, 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m. - Noon MST
Location: Virtual/Zoom
The annual meeting will resume in 2024 in a virtual format. We greatly appreciate your continued support and participation and look forward to seeing you November 20. Watch your inbox, and the Annual Pathways Meeting page, here, for more details to come.
Questions or proposals for conversation can be directed to
- What is your committee/institution/organization working on that will empower others during this meeting?
- Is there something new your committee/institution/organization has, or is looking to implement with pathways in mind?
- Do you have proposals on next steps, or recommended strategies to share?
2019-2023 Annual Pathways Meeting
Given the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and pending Alberta Advanced Education guidance regarding ACAT governance and next steps, the Alberta Annual Pathways Meeting was temporarily paused from 2019/2020 - 2022/23. Learner pathways and transferability have been identified as one of the ministry’s priorities, with next steps for system direction and governance to be informed by Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs and its initiatives in the near future. The ACAT Secretariat/Learner Pathways staff within Alberta Advanced Education continue to administer the work of ACAT and facilitate Alberta Transfer System and learner pathways operations. The Secretariat is pleased to resume the Annual Pathways Meeting as a part of system operations.
2018 Annual Pathways Meeting
On June 15, 2018, ACAT brought together a variety of learning system representatives to discuss:
- Alberta Transfer student success research ACAT UofC and NAIT Presentation June 15 – note that all research reports can be found here
- Learner Pathways Ministry data and research ACAT ODI presentation
- Interprovincial articulation opportunities ACAT_June2018_01
- Campus Alberta Partners MoU for transfer of business programs Campus Alberta Partners June 2017 MoU
- An interactive session on next steps for Learner Pathways in Alberta
- Strengths and challenges faced by institution Contact Persons
- The new ACAT website
2018 Annual Pathways meeting agenda
Articulation meetings are important events that help ACAT find better ways to support articulation committees, and help improve student mobility supports for institutions and their students.
2017 Annual Pathways Meeting
On April 24, 2017, ACAT brought together articulation committee members and other learning system representatives to discuss:
- The connection between learner pathways and student outcomes, and how we can work together to remove barriers and capitalize on opportunities
- Best practices for articulation committees
- Finding new ways for articulation committees to share information
- Determining if there is a need for new articulation committees
- Identifying new research opportunities for ACAT and articulation committees
- ACAT’s progress towards meetings outcomes identified through its Learner Pathways Modernization initiative