The personal information that you are being asked to provide is collected under the authority of section 8 of the Government Organization Act and is managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). We do not sell, rent or share our mailing list. We do not link to other mailing list databases. More information can be found under our Privacy Policy. Alternatively, you can contact us directly at acat@gov.ab.ca.
Have more questions about ACAT?

Seeking Information
If you are seeking information on ACAT Council or ACAT Secretariat, our research, and our interprovincial and cross-Canada initiatives, please email acat@gov.ab.ca. You can also call us at 780.422.9021. To be connected toll-free inside Alberta, dial 310-0000 first and then the telephone number.
If you are seeking information on the Learner Pathways System, its component applications, and user guides, please email ae.lps@gov.ab.ca
If you are seeking information on articulation and affiliated committees, their work, and the Annual Pathways Meeting, please email acat.articulation@gov.ab.ca
If you are seeking information on transfer credit decisions, or how transfer credit works, then please go to www.transferalberta.ca. There you will find the Transfer Alberta Search Tool as well as an FAQs and Contacts page and transferalberta@gov.ab.ca.
Having trouble finding courses on Transfer Alberta's search tool? Looking for more information about admission and transfer opportunities?
See if your question is answered on:
Have a question or concern regarding Articulation Committees? Do you want to join a committee, or are looking for more information?
You may find what you are looking for here:
If the resources above do not answer your question, please send us a message.
Have a question regarding the Alberta Transfer System? Want to know more about the system or how you can become a member? Looking for member resources?
You may find what you are looking for here:
If the resources above do not answer your question, please send us a message.
Have a question about ACAT, its Council and its priorities? Or would you like to learn more about becoming a Council member?
You may find what you are looking for here:
If the resources above do not answer your question, please send us a message.
Did you find a technical issue with our website, or are you finding it difficult to view its content?
Do you have a question about ACAT that isn't addressed in the other topics? If so, we'd love to hear from you!
Do you have a question or general feedback you'd like to share with us, or do you want to speak with a member of our secretariat?
Please complete the form below, including how we can reach you. A member of the Secretariat team will respond to you soon.
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