Affiliated Committees
Learn about affiliated committees and their priorities.
Affiliated Committees have their own independent governance and operations led by voluntary post-secondary institution/stakeholder representatives from a defined pathway or subject area that foster Alberta Transfer System learner pathways and mobility with an active relationship with the ACAT Secretariat in Advanced Education. Committees use collaborative initiatives such as data sharing, working groups, and research initiatives to support relationship-building and promote system recommendations and issues resolution to enhance learner mobility and pathways for admissions and transfer purposes.
Affiliated Committees:
- Alberta Child and Youth Care Educators' Consortium (ACYCEC)
- Management Education Coordinating Council of Alberta (MECCA)
- Military Veteran & Family Connected Campus Consortium: Alberta Network (AB.MVF3C)
- Provincial Academic Upgrading Committee (PAUC)
Alberta Child and Youth Care Educators’ Consortium (ACYCEC)
Management Education Coordinating Council of Alberta (MECCA)
Military Veteran & Family Connected Campus Consortium (AB.MVF3C)
Provincial Academic Upgrading Committee (PAUC)
1: Child and Youth Care - Alberta Child and Youth Care Educators’ Consortium (ACYCEC)
The ACYCEC is affiliated with the Child and Youth Care Articulation Committee to foster closer collegial relationships and enhances communication among institutions, helping to facilitate greater integration within the transfer system in the field/discipline of Child and Youth Care (CYC). At the request of Advanced Education or Council, the committee provides recommendations or specific deliverables related to transfer in the discipline, including:
- Providing a forum for exchanging information and enhancing collaboration and coordination among institutions that provide instruction in CYC
- Promoting course and program equivalency in the field of CYC, where appropriate
- Addressing admissions issues related to secondary to post secondary articulation, where appropriate
- Clarifying differences and similarities between various post-secondary institution CYC programs to assist students in planning their course of studies
- Assisting in developing transfer agreements between institutions delivering CYC programs
Download the committee’s Terms of Reference.
2: Business - Management Education Coordinating Council of Alberta (MECCA)
MECCA facilitates stakeholder collaboration regarding business management education programming in Alberta. MECCA replaced the Business Articulation Committee, which worked to:
- Enhance communication among institutions to facilitate greater integration within the transfer system in the field of Business Administration
- Provide recommendations or specific deliverables related to transfer in the field of Business Administration at the request of the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT)
- Promote course credit and program equivalency in the field of Business Administration, where appropriate
- Address admissions issues related to post-secondary to post-secondary articulation, where appropriate
- Clarify differences and similarities of various post-secondary institution Business Administration programs to assist students in planning their course of studies
- Assist in developing transfer agreements between institutions delivering Business Administration programs
For historical reference, you can download the committee's previous Terms of Reference.
3: Military Veteran & Family Connected Campus Consortium: Alberta Network (AB.MVF3C)
The Alberta Network (AB.MVF3C) facilitates the Guiding Principles of the CMVF3C as a partner network of post-secondary campuses in Alberta that support MVF3C objectives. The Canadian Military, Veteran & Family Connected Campus Consortium (CMVF3C) is a consortium of post-secondary institutions (PSIs) and associated community partners committed to advancing Military, Veteran & Family Connected Campuses (MVFCs) in Canada and beyond.
- Growing, promoting and sustaining the CMVF3C initiative
- Building a community of practice (e.g., broadening partnerships, facilitating access, sharing data and best practices - including by registering with the CAF National Resource Directory, and supporting the VAC National Veterans Employment Strategy and MFS services and supports)
- Facilitating knowledge translation (e.g., knowledge mobilization hub, monthly meetings, symposia)
- Supporting PSIs in becoming more military, Veteran and family-connected
- Engaging with researchers, policy makers, service providers, government leaders, persons with lived experience (PWLE), families, and other partners, nationally and internationally to coordinate and minimize duplication through alignment of efforts.
Download the Guiding Principles (including Terms of Reference information) for the CMVF3C and the Alberta Network: Guiding Principles.
4: Academic Upgrading - Provincial Academic Upgrading Committee (PAUC)
PAUC provides a forum for communicating matters of common concern related to and in support of the work of academic upgrading programs in Alberta. Their activities include:
- Compiling and exchanging relevant information related to adult upgrading programs in Alberta
- Providing regular presentations to members including but not limited to the following:
- Alberta Advanced Education
- Alberta Employment and Immigration
- Curriculum Managers from Alberta Education
- Providing presentations on an ad hoc basis to other groups, such as Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
- Facilitating curriculum review and approval for upgrading courses to be posted on the Transfer Alberta Search Tool.
- Working with issues of interest to its participants
- Sustaining a proactive awareness of emergent issues impacting academic upgrading programs in Alberta and recommending action to the Alberta Association of Colleges and Technical Institutes (AACTI) on these emergent issues