The Alberta Transfer System is a formal network of member post-secondary institutions, strategic and operational contact persons, articulation committees, and post-secondary transfer and learner pathways staff, organizations, and government working together to recognize learners’ mobility, pathways, and prior learning. System participation and operations are facilitated by leadership and oversight, governance and policies, principles and tools, research and data sharing, planning and communication, and provincial and interprovincial collaboration.
Alberta’s transfer system and learner pathways are led by institutions and organizations working together to recognize students' prior learning by offering transferable courses and programs and accessible high school transitions information, as well as support for other pathways in the post-secondary system, including admissions, credential recognition, prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR), and interprovincial mobility. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) includes assessment processes used by institutions and organizations to evaluate formal (e.g., transfer credit, credential recognition, dual credit) and non-formal/informal (e.g., PLAR) knowledge, skills, and attitudes people have acquired in their lives. ACAT’s Secretariat leads and facilitates transfer system and pathways operations, including Alberta Learner Pathways System online tools, data, and resources.
Admissions and transfer opportunities are shared publicly through the Transfer Alberta Search Tool, which is housed on Transfer Alberta. It contains searchable course and program transfer decisions and targeted high school transitions information. This information is monitored and updated by Operational Contact Persons at Alberta Transfer System member institutions, who use the Learner Pathways System (LPS) suite of tools to develop and maintain high school transitions information and transfer decisions with other member institutions, as well as with non-member institutions who send students to their institutions.
We also encourage applicable non-member institutions to apply for Alberta Transfer System membership to share information and explore new opportunities for learners.