6:4 (December 2018)
Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year!

Here are the highlights of what we are working on in Alberta.
Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Learner Pathways Action Plan Development
Advanced Education is in the process of involving stakeholders in the development of a provincial action plan for Learner Pathways in Alberta. This work will provide direction for increasing access to and support for learner pathways and mobility in Alberta’s post-secondary system, including the governance and work of ACAT Council and the ACAT Secretariat/Learner Pathways Branch.
This action plan is in response to the specific recommendations from government’s agencies, boards, and commissions review for ACAT, as well as feedback from stakeholders that has identified long-standing challenges to pathways and recommendations for the future direction of ACAT. Action plan implementation is estimated for Spring 2019. Should you have questions about this work, or be interested in providing additional feedback to the department on the future directions of learner pathways and ACAT, please contact Anne Ryton at anne.ryton@gov.ab.ca.
Provincial Transitions Articulation Committee
This collaborative initiative will work with institutions to review out-of-province matriculation courses for admission purposes to Alberta institutions. Sincere thanks to all those who have volunteered to be part of the first Working Group for this Committee. More information can be found here.
Admissions and Pathways Integration Feasibility Study
This Feasibility Study is a continuation of the Learner Pathways Modernization Initiative. The study is examining the possibilities regarding connections among ACAT, institution, organization, and government learner pathways-related information pertaining to students. We are finishing stakeholder interviews, and plan to share the outcomes and next steps from this study on the ACAT website (see the “Learner Pathways Modernization Initiative” page) in Winter 2019. Again, thanks to all stakeholders who have assisted us in this process.
Contact Persons’ Best Practices Working Group
The Working Group is composed of seven Contact Persons who have graciously taken on the task of creating an easily accessible set of recommended Learner Pathways System (LPS) business practices and processes. At the October 2018 ACAT Contact Persons’ Annual Meeting, the Working Group members led break-out sessions with all Contact Persons. Planned outputs for this initiative in 2019 include resources, supports, and references regarding adhering to system data standards with the end goal of ensuring that data in Transfer Alberta is accurate and current for students.
Transfer Alberta Website Updates
The main topic areas on the landing page have been revised, including a new page for “Going back to school” (which covers non-traditional pathways) and a new “FAQs & Contact” page. The FAQs cover the common questions we routinely receive from students and advisors, and we have made our “Contact Us” information more visible.
Campus Alberta Partnerships Memorandum of Understanding on Business Programs Meeting
This MOU was signed in March 2017 by fifteen Campus Alberta partners with the objective of adding clarity and providing transparency in the area of Business programming and transfer. On November 16, nominated representatives from signatory schools met and discussed how they are operationalizing this Memorandum. Approaches vary, and we had a robust discussion on the rationales behind the various approaches. This group will meet again February 22, 2019.