Action Plan

Learn about ACAT's vision and strategies in their Action Plans and planned next steps

Next Steps

While ACAT awaits next steps following completion of the Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs review of post-secondary education, including regarding learner pathways and transferability, ACAT's work for learner pathways and mobility continues. This work is being led by the ACAT Secretariat in Advanced Education and institutions/stakeholders, and guided by the priorities outlined in ACAT's 2017-19 Action Plan and an internal ACAT Secretariat performance plan that is updated annually. 

Council Mandate and Operation

ACAT represents a balanced voice for Campus Alberta. ACAT provides leadership to influence policy, highlight/promote best practices, and create a system for access that serves all learners.

Established in 1974, the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT) is an advisory agency accountable to the Minister of Advanced Education and, in support of Campus Alberta, responsible for providing advice and guidance regarding post-secondary admission and transfer policy. ACAT works with its stakeholders for the benefit of learners to ensure smooth transitions from secondary to post-secondary and post-secondary to post-secondary.

Alberta’s post-secondary institutions work cooperatively to provide a transfer system that is responsive to the needs of learners in the matters of admissions, transfer credit, and recognition of prior learning.

The mission of ACAT is to be a catalyst for beneficial change and an advocate for learners in the areas of post-secondary admission and transfer throughout Campus Alberta. ACAT provides leadership and direction, as a cornerstone of Campus Alberta, in the improvement of educational opportunities for Alberta students through inter-institutional transfer. ACAT is committed to supporting and improving communication among Alberta post-secondary institutions and to promoting the advantages of a system of education, with all that this means for educational planning for the benefit of learners.

The Council endorses the following as basic to its purpose and activities:

  1. Support for Campus Alberta’s core objectives by facilitating learners to successfully navigate the Transfer System and foster lifelong learning in the advanced education system.
  2. Student access to higher education and the opportunity for student mobility from secondary to post-secondary and post-secondary to post-secondary in Alberta shall be optimized.
  3. Negotiation of opportunities for student mobility shall be based on the recognition that while learning experiences differ in a variety of ways, their substance may be virtually equivalent in terms of learning outcomes and rigor.
  4. Effective academic advising, career counseling and optimum mobility require that the student have prior knowledge of at least the minimum transfer credit which can be awarded.
  5. Individual institutions have the primary responsibility for instructional programs, even though responsibility for higher education is shared among various constituents. The responsibility of institutions includes program design and delivery, determination of academic prerequisites and student admission criteria, and certification of the academic achievement of students.
  6. Institutions have the responsibility and the prerogative to investigate the total educational background of applicants seeking admission.
  7. Post-secondary institutions are committed to developing and maintaining clearly stated policies and procedures for consideration of transfer credit and to applying them in a consistent manner.
  8. After students are granted admission to an institution under a transfer arrangement, they shall be granted the same rights and privileges as students who began their studies at the institution.

Goals and Priority Initiatives

ACAT has identified five goals and associated priority initiatives in its 2017-2019 Action Plan to guide the Council’s and Secretariat’s activities. ACAT’s focus on leadership and oversight, collaboration, research and evidence-based decision-making, and technology and tools in support of post-secondary learner pathways and mobility is reflected within each of the goals and initiatives.