Annual Pathways Meeting June 15, UAlberta
The theme this year is Research and Resources. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, those in the link below. Guest speakers are planned to include: Joanne Duklas from Duklas Cornerstone Consulting (one of our contracted researchers), ApplyAlberta/Academica representatives, and BCCAT researchers.
The Draft Agenda can be found at:
We encourage all interested parties to RSVP to by June 4.
Status of ACAT Review
Advanced Education completed an agencies, boards, and commissions review for ACAT. The important work of ACAT will continue, including its important role in supporting learner pathways and mobility in Alberta’s adult education system. Advanced Education is in the process of finalizing the specific recommendations from the review and involving stakeholders in development of a plan for next steps forward.
ACAT Research Update
ACAT contracted two separate researchers to do research at six different Alberta post-secondary institutions, focused on the question of transfer student success, when compared to direct entry student success, at the same institution. The final reports are now complete and will be posted on this website under Current Research prior to the June 15 Annual Pathways Meeting. A review of one researcher's findings will be presented at the Annual Pathways Meeting, with time for discussion of recommendations and possible future research directions afterwards.
BCCAT will also be presenting at the meeting on some of the research they have done on time/credit to completion for transfer students, and on initiatives like Dual Admissions.
Learner Pathways System Update
As of March, ACAT completed development of the new High School Transitions module (HS) for school authorities and post-secondary and business/industry partners, and completed updates to the Transfer Alberta search tool and mobile app for students to share the HS data. These tools will now provide new high school transitions data and information to students for dual credit-related agreements for courses offered in Alberta. These tools will also allow school authorities to share and plan with their post-secondary and business/industry partners and manage their dual credit-related agreements.
Since November 2017, the ACAT Secretariat has offered 12 training sessions throughout Alberta and online with other jurisdiction members, training Contact Persons and academic and admissions advisors. We are committed to supporting our post-secondary partners in their efforts to share learner pathways opportunities with students moving within and into Alberta.
Finally, did you notice you're reading this on the new ACAT website? Developed as a resource for our stakeholders, we encourage you to explore the other resources available.